Grameenphone Internet Offers & Call Rate Of 2021

Grameenphone short form GP is the leading telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh. Grameen Phone was founded (in Bangladesh, partnered with Telenor) by noble laureate Dr. Mohammad Yunus, has now about 54.6 million subscribers. Now it is the country’s most dependable & ever-growing telecom industry. GP offers the most convenient and competitive package for all classes’ peoples of Bangladesh.

Recently, Grameenphone has initiated its package purchase system online. Just visit

They have more than 70 million subscribers and a 46.3% subscriber market share as of January 2021. GP is a joint venture of Telenor and Grameen Telecom Corporation. Telenor is a telecommunication company from Norway, and it owns a 55.8% share of Grameenphone. Grameenphone introduced the GSM technology for the first in Bangladesh. Moreover, GP built the first cellular network to cover 99% area of the country.

Updated Grameenphone Internet Packages ( Volume Packs )

SerialData PlanDurationPrice (BDT)
1. 2 GB ( Facebook + Twitter ) 30 Days68/-
2. 500 MB ( Facebook + Twitter )3 Days15/-
3. 512 MB ( YouTube Pack )3 Days14/-
4. 2 GB ( YouTube Pack )30 Days89/-
5. 250 MB ( TikTok Pack )3 Days8/-
6. 512 MB ( TikTok Pack )7 Days19/-
7. 1 GB ( TikTok Pack )30 Days43/-
8. 1 GB7 Days77/-
9. 5 GB30 Days299/-

Updated Grameenphone Internet Packages ( 4G Packs )

SerialData PlanDurationPrice (BDT)
1. 6GB 7 Days124/-
2.20GB30 Days499/-
3.60GB30 Days999/-
4.100GB30 Days1499/-
5.200GB30 Days1999/-

Grameenphone (GP) All Internet Offers 2021

Grameenphone offers different types of offers like internet offers, talk-time offers, internet bonuses, and free internet to its subscriber. GP has a lot of internet offers for its subscriber. In this article, we have discussed all the internet offers for 2021.

Pay As You Go2.5 BDT*121*3000#N/A
4 MB18 BDT*121*3002#2 Days
35 MB37 BDT*121*3003#7 Days
75 MB56 BDT*121*3004#7 Days
100 MB149 BDT*121*3005#30 Days
500 MB229 BDT*121*3007#28 Days
1.5 GB337 BDT*121*3027#28 Days
2 GB427 BDT*121*3009#28 Days
3 GB609 BDT*121*3010#28 Days
5 GB1157 BDT*121*3012#28 Days
10 GB1522 BDT*121*3013#28 Days
12 GB2436 BDT*121*3014#28 Days
20 GB86 BDT*121*3015#28 Days
1 GB104 BDT*121*3056#7 Days
1.5 GB129 BDT*121*3044#7 Days
2 GB179 BDT*121*3058#7 Days
4 GB31 BDT*121*3084#7 Days
250 MB2.5 BDT*121*3083#3 Days
Whatsapp pack 20MB2.5 BDT*121*3063#1 Day
Viber 20MB Pack6 BDT*121*3070#1 Day
Daily Heavy Video pack5 BDT*121*3020#1 Day
Emergency data loan (10MB)5 BDT*121*3021#2 Days
Facebook 1 Day1.5 BDT*121*3022#1 Day
Facebook 7 Days6 BDT*121*3023#7 Days
Facebook 28 Days18 BDT*121*3024#28 Days

GP 350 MB at 20 BDT

You can get 350 MB internet at only 20 BDT. The validity of this internet offer is 4 days. To activate this offer dial *121*5102#. This offer is available for a limited time, and condition applies.

GP 500 MB at 5 BDT

This is a very fantastic internet offer for people with a low budget. You can get a 500 MB internet data pack at only 5 BDT. The validity period for this offer is 7 days. The activation code of this offer is *121*3809#. A user can only buy this package 2 times.

GP 1000 MB at 17 BDT

GP 1000 MB at 17 BDT offer is available only at my GP app. You will get 500 MB and 500 MB 4G data in this offer. The validation time for this offer is 3 days. A user can activate this offer once for a SIM card. To enable this offer go to the MyGP app.

GP 1 GB at 5 BDT

It is the dream offer from Grameenphone Company to its users. GP always serve for the betterment of their customer. It is a weekly internet data package. To activate this offer dial *500*45#. This offer is for 2G and 3G users. In this offer, you will get 500 MB of internet data and 500 MB of Facebook Data.

GP 1GB at 9 BDT

One of the most exciting internet offers for GP users is GP 1GB offer at 9 BDT. A user can purchase this offer maximum 4 times. It is a monthly pack. The validity of this offer is 28 days. The activation code of this offer is *5020*2217#.

GP 1GB at 19 BDT

This is another new offer of GP internet. The duration of this offer is 14 days. You will get 1 GB of internet data at 19 BDT. For activating this offer dial *5020*2218# from your GP SIM.

GP 1 GB at 20 BDT

You can get 1 GB of internet at only 20 BDT. But the validity of this offer is only 8 hours. To activate this offer dial *121*3234#. This offer is for users with higher consumption of mobile data. So those who are looking for 1 GB internet at a low price can buy this offer.

GP 1 GB at 21 BDT

GP recently launches a new internet offer to their customer. Users can buy 1 GB at 21 BDT. A user can avail of this offer only once. The validity of this internet offer is 7 days. To activate this offer dial *121*5097#.

GP 1 GB at 50 BDT

A GP user can get 1 GB at 50 BDT. The validity of this internet offer is 7 days. You can activate this offer by dialing *121*3844#. This is a one-time offer. A user can avail of this offer only once.

GP 1.5 GB at 104 BDT

GP 1.5 GB offer is also available. You can get 1.5 GB of internet at only 104 BDT. It is a weekly package. You can activate this offer for 7 days. If you want to activate this offer, dial *121*3344#.

GP 2 GB at 38 BDT

This offer is for heavy users. Recently GP launches a super offer for their customers. A User can enjoy a 2 GB data pack at only 38 BDT. This offer is available for two days from the activation date. To start this offer dial *121*3242#.

GP 2 GB at 44 BDT

Here is another GP 2 GB internet offer at 44 BDT. The activation code of this offer is *121*3242#. This offer is valid for 3 days from the activation day. Moreover, users can enjoy videos from the opera browser during this offer period completely free.

GP 2 GB at 48 BDT

You can get 2 GB of internet at only 48 BDT. This offer’s validation time is 3 days. To activate the offer dial *121*3242#. Unfortunately, GP stopped this offer and started the following offer.

GP 2 GB at 54 BDT

You can get 2 GB of internet at only 54 BDT. The validity of this offer is 3 days. To activate this offer dial *121*3242#.

GP 3 GB at 44 BDT

This is an excellent internet offer for heavy mobile net users. A user gets 3GB at 44 BDT. You can activate this offer by dialing *121*3380#. The validity of this offer is 2 days.

GP 3 GB at 54 BDT    

Enjoy another GP 3GB offer only at 54 BDT. According to this offer, you will get 2 GB mobile data for any network and 1 GB of mobile data for the 4G network. Dial *121*3380# to activate this offer. The validity of this offer is 3 days from activation. The offer is closed now.

GP 3 GB at 63 BDT

This is another GP 3 GB offer for GP users. The price of this offer is 63 BDT only. According to this offer, you will get 2 GB mobile data for any network and 1 GB mobile data for the 4G network. The activation code of this offer is *121*3380#. The validity of this offer is 72 hours or 3 days from activation.

GP 3 GB at 289 BDT

This is a monthly data offer for GP users. A user can enjoy this offer at 289 BDT. The cost of this offer is a bit high for its validation period. The validity of this offer is 30 days. Dial *121*3391# to activate this offer.

GP 3.5 GB at 427 BDT

You can get 3.5 GB of internet at only 427 BDT. It is a monthly data package offer. In this offer, the user will get 50% extra 4G data with the existing data package as a bonus. To activate this offer you have to dial *121*3010#. The activity period for this offer is 28 days.

GP 4G SIM Replacement Offer

Grameenphone launches GP 4G SIM replacement offer for its users. If you haven’t replaced your existing GP SIM with a 4G SIM, then it’s the right time to do it. You can avail of the offer while replacing your old SIM with GP 4G SIM. Here are the details of this offer:

1. 5GB 4G mobile data for 7 Days (Activation+6) at Taka 0

2. Customer will only be eligible for this offer if the conversion is from an ACTIVE 2G/3G SIM to a 4G SIM

3. This 4G Data can only be used if the customer has a 4G SIM, a 4G Enabled,Handset and is in a 4G Coverage Area

4. To get this offer, the customer has to replace their 3G SIM with a 4G SIM

5. On top of this offer, Customer will also get 1.5GB 2G/3G/4G Data for Free for 7 Days for replacing an active 2G/ 3G SIM with a 4G SIM

6. This is a one-time-only offer

GP Night Package Internet Offers

GP has some night package internet offers for its users. GP has a 1 GB internet offer with 3 GP SMS at 30 BDT only. The validity of this offer is 14 days. The activation code of this offer is * 121*3843#.

Another night package internet offer of GP is 2 GB at only 36 BDT for 7 days. In this offer, the user will get 1 GB with 7 days validity and another 1 GB with 24 hours validity. You can activate this offer by dialing *5020*2214#.

This night package internet offer has 1.6 GB mobile data and a 500 MB Facebook package at only 104 BDT. It is valid for 7 days. The activation code of this offer is *121*3842#.

GP has another 2 GB night package internet offer at only 61 BDT. The time duration of this internet offer is 12 am to 10 am. The validity of this offer is 7 days and you can activate this offer by dialing *121*3069#.

Grameenphone (GP) All Internet Packages 2021

Here is the list of all Grameenphone internet packages. In this list, you will find information about the entire data package, their charge, activation code, and validity. We will update the list regularly to make sure you can find all the updated Internet packages for 2021.

GP MB Bonus Offer

This is an exciting offer for GP users. Now a GP user can enjoy GP MB Bonus. If a user Daily talks for 45 minutes, then he will enjoy a 1 MB bonus for the next per minute talk time. You can avail a maximum of 5 MB for a single call. The validity of this MB is for 3 days. Dial *121*1401# to activate this offer.

Here are all the GP Call rate offers and GP Internet offers at a glance –

1) New Connection Offers

Recharged based rate-cutter



Pre-paid (Nishchinto), Djuice, Ekota 1, 3 and BS 1, 3, 4 (Shofol) & 5, Bondhu, Grameenphone Public Phone and Village phone connections

First Easy load recharge of 34 taka
GP to GP0.5(Paisa-Second)
GP to Other Operator1(Paisa-Second)
 Validity30 Days

Data Pack Or Internet Offers Of New Connection

Recharged detailsData volumeValidity



Internet using timeFrequency of recharge time
   9 Tk1GB7 calendar days  24 hoursOnce a month for five calendar months

To check bonus & validity dial1211*2#    Pre-loaded amount for new SIM Tk 5/- & Village phone 50/-

To check the pre-loaded amount dial *566#

1(a) Pre-Paid Package Are Below.

Package nameGP to GP rateGP to another operator rateSMSFnFPulse
Nishchinto21Poisa/10 Second21Poisa/10 Second50 Poisa n/a   10 second
Bondhu27.5 poisa/10 second27.5 poisa/10 second50 Poisa1 Super FnF (5.5 poisa/10 second) & 17 FnF (11.5 poisa/10 second)

10 second

Djuice27.5 poisa/10 second, Community: 11.5 poisa/ 10 second27.5 poisa/ 10 second50 Poisa10 FnF (11.5 poisha/ 10 second)10 second

2) Post paid package

   Xplore postpaid package

Offer details   RateSMSPurchase code  Condition
GP to GP


Or Any local operator.

Round the clock time.


0.07 Tk/Min

0.30 Per

Type XPS & then send to 4444The customer has to pay


Bills after 15 days.

SD+VAT+SC Applicable

3)GP exclusive voice bundle offers

  1. a) 01Poisa/Second package
 Package price  Offer  detailsUsing Time    ValidityMore details
   Taka 29/-To any local operator +4 SMS  24 Hours 3 Days*121*1*2# or *121*4601#


To know offer validity of postpaid


SD +VAT+SC Applicable

   Taka 39/-To any local operator +39 MB + 4 SMS  24 Hours5 Days & 3 Days Internet
   Taka 79/-To any local operator + 4 SMS24 Hours   15 Days
  Taka 109/-All operator + 4 SMS24 Hours   30 Days

4) Special Bundle Voice Packages

Package DetailsRate(Inclusive SD+VAT+SC)Purchase Code  Validity
40 Minute (GP to GP )   @ 14 Tk/-*121*4001#   16 Hours
100 Minute+ 50 SMS (GP to GP)   @ 53 Tk/-*121*4004#    07 Days
100 Minute( GP to Any Net)   @ 78 Tk/-*121*4026#    07 Days
75 Minute GP to GP   @ 24 Tk/-  *121*4002#    24 Hours
100 Minute GP to GP   @ 43 Tk/-  *121*4003#    03 Days
300 Minute GP to GP   @ 43 Tk/-  *121*4006#     07 Days
350 Minute GP to GP   @ 113 Tk/-  *121*4007#     07 Days
750 Minute GP to GP   @ 113 Tk/-   *121*4008#     15 Days

5) (a) Any Use Internet Package

Package namePrice(Including SD +VAT +SC)Validity DaysDirect Dialing Code


Pre & postpaid

4 MB2.52*121*3002#
35 MB187*121*3003#
60 MB223*121*3029#
75 MB377*121*3004#
100 MB5630*121*3005#
250 MB11928*121*3006#
500 MB14928*121*3007#
1.5 GB22928*121*3027#
2 GB33728*121*3009#
3 GB42728*121*3010#
5 GB60928*121*3012#
10 GB115728*121*3013#
12 GB152228*121*3014#
20 GB243628*121*3015#
1GB Weekly947*121*3056#
2GB Weekly1297*121*3058#
4GB Weekly1797*121*3084#
250 MB@ 31 Tk313*121*3083#
Scratch card or urgent loan or data



   TakaValidity Purchase code
Emergency data loan(10MB)   5   2 *121*3021#
100 MB Internet Scratch Card@19 Tk/-  03 Days  N/A
35 MB@10 Tk/-   03 Days   N/A

***Internet Packs are not applicable for Skitto users

5(b) Social Pack

Package namePrice(Including SD +VAT +SC)Validity DaysDirect dialing code


Pre & postpaid

20 MB What’s app



      2.5         01*121*3063#
20 MB Viber



       2.5         01*121*3070#
Daily heavy video pack         6         01*121*3020#
Weekly video pack        18         07*121*3020#
Facebook 01 day        1.5         01*121*3022#
Facebook 07 days         6         07*121*3023#
Facebook 28 days        18         28 *121*3024#

Dial 1211*2# to know about the remaining data, talk-time & SMS balance.

6) Awesome GPAY Wallet Offer And Get Bonus:

Recharge amount (Tk)  PackValiditySpecial Bonus
   113350 Minute(GP-GP)  7 Days    10 Tk
    237750 Minute(GP-GP)   15 Days   10 Tk
  • To register GPAY, customer needs to dial *777#.

7) Device Offers

Name of deviceOffer availability Details         Rate Purchase Code/Tagging


GPC, Online, and Walton Outlets only.2GB+2GB Free Internet   337 TK(Inclusive all)Type NOV2 and SMS to 5050 or dial  121


GP Sales Channels & Symphony Outlets.1.5GB Internet +1.5 GB Free(validity 28 days) 229 TK (inclusive all charge)Type SEP1 and SMS to 5050  dial  121
SamsungEnterprise Channel, GP Online Shop, Grameenphone Centers & Samsung Outlets

2GB+4GB Free Internet

(validity 28 days)

  337 TK(Inclusive all)


Free Internet Validity 07 Days

Type SAM4G and send to 5050


OPPO Outlets only3GB+4GB Free Internet


(validity 28 days)

   255 TK(Inclusive all)



type GP4G and SMS to 5050
 iPhone 8 GPC and GP Online shop8GB+10GB Free Internet400 TK(Inclusive all)



Type IP8 & send to 5050



·       GP Sales Channels & Huawei Outlets.



3GB  + 4GB Free Internet


(validity 28 days)

BDT 255 (inclusive all)

 Type GP4G and SMS to 5050 
 ·       Lava Iris 505


·       MicromaxQ354

·       Fatafati Smartphone1.5 GB FreeBuy 50 GP-GP Minutes at Tk. 29 (inclusive of all charge) then, it will be able to enjoy 1GB(Validity: 7 days)Type GPSP and send SMS to 5050

***Dial 121 for more details.

8) Nirvoy-Free Life Insurance

in partnership with Micro Ensure Bangladesh and Pragati Life has introduced another attractive package of life insurance. It offers protection against the risk of loss of life by providing monetary compensation in the direct need of a family emergency. Just from your handset, you can avail. Details are below.

Recharge in a previous calendar month 1(Excluding VAT)Free life insurance cover     Process
Start BDT 150/- to 500 & aboveBDT 10,000/- to 50,000/-Mobicash outlets to register for this offer. It can be availed either using the Nirvoy Portal (Web) or using their Mobile (via USSD).

How To Get Your 4G GP SIM Directly On Your Home?

Yes, Grameenphone is giving the Bangladeshi people a great opportunity to get your SIM card replaced and send you directly to your home. You just need to put your Mobile Number (to be replaced), an alternative number for contact, and your National ID number. That’s it.

Step 1: Go to this link.

Step 2: Enter your details.

Step 3: Click on Add to Cart (you may pay 110 Taka by using your Mobile Balance or other cards).

And wait for your SIM to stay at your home.

Have a great moment with Grameenphone! We will update this post once we find new Grameenphone offers for the Internet and Call/voice.

Bottom Line

If you have any queries regarding GP Internet Offers & Internet Packages 2021, then comment below your question. We will reply as soon as possible. Bookmark this page for further use and share this post with your friends & family as this article may also be relevant to them.

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