A current account is a non-interest-bearing bank account that is mostly used to run a business. A current bank account is also known as a chequing account, demand deposit account, etc. If you are running a business then your current bank account is very important because it will help you keep your personal and business assets disjoined. In Bangladesh, every private and public bank offers a current bank account so you might find it a bit difficult to choose the right bank for you. If that is the case for you then you should check this article because here I have discussed the 10 best banks to open a current bank account including the features and requirements.
Some of the preeminent banks to open a current account in Bangladesh are Eastern Bank Current Account, HSBC Bank Current Account, Standard Chartered Bank Current Account, Dhaka Bank Current Account, Islami Bank Al-Wadeah Current Account, IFIC Bank Current Account, Premier Bank Current Account, Bank Asia Current Account, Exim Bank Current Account, Prime Bank Current Account, etc.
List Of Best Banks To Open Current Account In Bangladesh
1. Eastern Bank Current Account
EBL’s current account provides you various important services including online banking from any EBL Branch in Bangladesh. Moreover, you will be able to use the internet banking features of EBL. The bank will also give you a checkbook and debit card with unlimited transaction facilities.
Features Of Eastern Bank Current Account
- ATM cash withdrawal facilities at all EBL ATMs
- Free Internet banking facilities
- Free SMS banking facilities
- Free Phone banking facilities
- Unlimited transaction allowed
Required Documents For Account Opening
- Completed and signed Account Opening Form
- Recent Passport Size Photo of Applicant
- Copy of Birth Certification
- Nominee’s Photo ID and Recent Passport Size Photo
- Copy of Recent Utility Bill-Gas/Electricity/WASA/Telephone
- Copy of TIN (Optional)
2. HSBC Bank Current Account

HSBC bank’s current account ensures that you can manage your daily finances conveniently. In fact, it is one of the best banks in Bangladesh for current accounts. HSBC’s current account makes your payment process very simple, therefore; you don’t have to rush around to pay your bills.
Features Of HSBC Bank Current Account
- Access your account through an ATM card
- ATM service 24-hours a day, seven days a week
- Free personalized checkbook
- No limit on the number of transactions
Required Documents For Account Opening
- Completed account opening form
- Passport size photograph for each account holder
- Proof of identification such as passport, driving license, or voter’s ID
3. Standard Chartered Bank Current Account

The current account of Standard Chartered Bank provides full transactional benefits and convenience. There are no transaction limits in this account so you can make as many transactions as you want. Moreover, there is no average balance fee for a current account which is very convenient. The best part of this account is, you don’t have to pay any counter fee which is very rare for a current account.
Features Of Standard Chartered Bank Current Account
- Unconditional withdrawals
- No average balance fee
- No counter transaction fee
- Ni minimum balance
- Checkbook facilities
- No Account Maintenance Fee for FCY account
Required Documents For Account Opening
- Copy of valid Photo ID for Applicant and Nominee (such as Passport/National ID/Driving License, etc.)
- Photograph of the applicant duly attested by the introducer
- Photograph of the nominee duly attested by the applicant
- Copy of e-TIN Certificate
- Resident address verification document (e.g. Utility Bill, etc.)
- Proof of Income document (optional)
- Proof of occupation document (optional)
4. Dhaka Bank Current Account

If you are looking for a bank that offers a low minimum required deposit for a current account then Dhaka Bank’s current account is the best option for you. This current account also offers a lower yearly service charge and provides a free ATM Card. Therefore, this current bank account is suitable for Proprietorship Business, Public & Private Limited Company, Partnership Company, and Institutions.
Features Of Dhaka Bank Current Account
- Minimum Required Deposit: Tk. 1000
- Account Maintenance Fee: Tk. 300+ VAT (Half Yearly)
- Maximum Withdrawal (Per Month): According To Customer’s Transaction Profile (TP)
- Cheque Book: Tk. 12.00 Per Leaf +VAT (at actual)
- Debit Card Facility
- iBanking, SMS Banking & Online Transaction Facilities
Required Documents For Account Opening
- NID/Birth certificate/Passport
- Photograph – 2 Copies
- Nominee photograph – 1 Copy
- Nominee’s NID/Birth certificate/Passport
- Income source document
5. Islami Bank Al-Wadeah Current Account

The current account of Islami Bank operates on the principles of Al-wadeah. So, Islami Bank is committed to refund money deposited in these Accounts on the demand of customers. Moreover, the bank also takes permission from customers that the Bank may utilize their money. However, no profit is shared with this account and depositors do not bear any loss.
Features Of Islami Bank Al-Wadeah Current Account
- Visa Debit Card & Cheque Book Facility
- Utility bill payment service
- Online banking service
- SMS Alert & Call Center Facility
- SMS Banking
Required Documents For Account Opening
- Complete account opening form
- Minimum deposit Tk.1000/-
- 02 Copies passport size photographs of every operator duly attested by introducer
- Identification proof like National ID Card/Passport/Chairman certificate
- 1 copy photograph of nominee duly attested by the account holder
- Signature of Introducer
6. IFIC Bank Current Account

IFIC bank is a very popular private bank of Bangladesh and it offers a non-interest bearing current account for Bangladeshi people with an age of 18 years or above. This current bank account includes all the major facilities including online banking service, internet banking, SMS banking, debit/credit card facilities, etc.
Features Of IFIC Bank Current Account
- Non-Interest bearing account checking account.
- VISA debit card
- 24 hours access to ATMs. Wider access to Q-cash ATM without any charge
- SMS Banking Facility
- Internet Banking Facility
Required Documents For Account Opening
- Photograph – 3 copies
- Nominee photo – 1 copy
- Copy of photo ID- NID/DL/Passport
- Proof of address – a copy of utility bill
7. Premier Bank Current Account

The premier bank current account offers all the necessary features that are required for a convenient banking experience. This current bank account ensures that you always have access to your account so that you can meet the needs of your business.
Features Of Premier Bank Current Account
- A Non- Interest-bearing checking account
- Initial Balance Tk: 5000
- Visa Debit card and 24-hour free access to ATMs
- Ideally suited to business transactions of Individuals or corporate bodies
- Quick & easy processing
- Unlimited transactions allowed
- Online banking facility
- E-statement of account as per requirement
Required Documents For Account Opening
- Photograph of A/c holder – 03 (Three) copies
- Photocopy of Valid NID/Passport/Driving License
- Photograph of Nominee – 1 copy
- Copy of Utility Bill
8. Bank Asia Current Account

Bank Asia offers a non-interest-bearing current bank account for Bangladeshi people who are 18 at least 18 years or above. This bank account allows the customer to access a wide range of banking services. If you check the features of this bank then you will understand why it is one of the best banks to open a current account.
Features Of Bank Asia Current Account
- Cheque-book facility
- Opportunity to apply for – safe deposit locker facility
- Collect foreign remittance in both TC. & Taka draft
- Transfer of funds from one branch to another by
- Demand Draft
- Mail Transfer
- Telegraphic Transfer
- Transfer of fund on Standing Instruction Arrangement
- Collection of cheques through Clearing House
- Online Banking service
- SMS Banking
- Internet Banking
- Mobile application for internet banking
- Bank Asia ATM Card Service
Required Documents For Account Opening
- Completed account opening form
- Passport size photograph for each account holder and nominee(s)
- Proof of identification such as national/Voter’s ID, Passport or Driving License customer & nominee(s)
- Tax Identification Number (TIN)
- Trade License(if any)
- Proof of address – a copy of utility bill
9. Exim Bank Current Account

Exim Bank offers Al-Wadiah Current Account for Bangladeshi people with an age of 18 years or above. If you are a small business owner then you can open a current bank account in this bank. This current bank account allows withdrawing money as many numbers of times as the account holder wants.
Features Of Exim Bank Current Account
- Halal way or without Riba (interest or usury) transaction
- Unlimited deposit or withdrawal
- No profit will be given
- Cheque book facilities
- ATM Card
- Free online transaction
- No, Over Draft will be allowed in the account
- SMS banking service includes balance inquires/Mini-statement by mobile phone
Required Documents For Account Opening
- Account opening duly filled up and signed by the account holder
- 02 Copies passport size photographs of every operator duly attested by introducer
- Photographs of National ID Card/Passport/Chairman certificates
- Introducer signature
10. Prime Bank Current Account

Prime bank is also a very popular private bank of Bangladesh where you can open a current account. This current account offers ultimate trust, security, and convenience for business transactions. With this bank account, you can apply for a safe deposit locker facility which is very convenient.
Features Of Prime Bank Current Account
- Cheque-book facility
- Debit card facility
- Internet Banking Service
- Transfer of fund on Standing Instruction Arrangement
- Collection of cheques through a clearinghouse
- SMS Banking
- Online banking service
Required Documents For Account Opening
- Completed account opening form
- Passport size photograph for each account holder
- Proof of identification of the account holder
- Proof of identification of the nominee