A student bank account is a typical type of saving account that provides extra facilities for the students. School banking activities are a great learning experience for students and it helps them develop savings habits. Moreover, in this modern era, having a bank account is a must. So if you are planning to open a student bank account in Bangladesh and wondering which bank is providing the best facilities for a student bank account then you have landed in the right article. Below you will find details information on the best student bank accounts in Bangladesh.
Some of the best student bank accounts of Bangladesh are AB Bank Student Account, One Bank LTD Student Account, EBL Student Account, City Bank Student Account, NRB Bank Student Account, Modhumoti Bank Student Account, and Prime Bank Student Account.
List Of Best Student Bank Account In Bangladesh
1. AB Bank Student Account

AB bank is a renowned bank of Bangladesh and it was established on April 2, 1982. This bank has various types of accounts and a student account is one of them. If you are a student then you can easily open a student bank account in this bank. AB Student Account has an interest rate of 6.0% and it is the highest student account interest rate in Bangladesh.
Facilities Of AB Student Account
- No account maintenance fee
- Free debit card
- Free SMS banking & internet banking
- Free standing instruction
- Free Cheque book
- Free Real-Time Mobile Top-up (GP, Banglalink, Airtel, Robi, Teletalk)
Required Documents
- Current Valid Student Photo ID / Certificate from Head of Educational Institution with Photo/Current Valid Passport
- Birth Certificate/student ID card with a birth certificate
- National ID / Current valid passport / Birth Certificate (with additional photo ID) of the Guardian
2. One Bank LTD Student Account

One Bank is a very popular private bank of Bangladesh and it offers student saving account with lots of features. The interest rate of One Bank student account is 5.0% which is very high compared to other student accounts in Bangladesh. This is a saving account and you can open saving schemes by transferring money from this account which is very convenient.
Facilities Of One Bank LTD Student Account
- Minimum initial deposit BDT 100/=
- The rate of interest is 5% p.a. accrued daily
- Interest is accrued daily
- No online charges for deposit and withdrawal
- SMS alert service
- No charge will be deducted from this account except Government charges
Required Documents
- Applicant age must be below 18 years with the prior permission of parent/ legitimate guardian
- Student Photo ID
- Birth Certificate
- Photo ID of the Guardian
3. EBL Student Account

EBL bank offers two types of student accounts and they are Junior Saving Account & Campus Account. The junior saving account is specially designed for school-going children aged below 18 years. On the other hand, the Campus account is a special type of savings account for the students that will allow them to do general banking.
Facilities Of Junior Saving Account
- Highest interest rate
- Interest will be calculated on a daily balance
- Dual Currency Debit Card for Operating Parent
- Cheque Book Facilities
- Free Local debit card for a child
- Free ATM cash withdrawal facilities at all EBL ATM’s
- Free internet banking facilities
- No minimum balance fee
- No account maintenance fee
- The minimum initial deposit amount is only BDT 100/=
Required Documents For EBL Junior Account
- Photocopy of a School ID or Certificate from school or Payment slip of latest tuition fees
- Photocopy of Birth certificate (Student)
- One copy passport size photograph of the nominee (photograph to be attested by the applicant)
- Copy of recent utility bill (Gas, Electricity, Wasa, Telephone) as proof of mailing address
- Photocopy of Parents National ID/Passport
- Two copies passport size photograph of the student
- One copy passport size photograph of a parent
Facilities Of Campus Account
- Attractive interest rate
- Interest will be calculated on a daily balance
- Dual Currency Debit Card facility
- Cheque Book facilities
- Free ATM cash withdrawal facilities at all EBL ATM’s
- Free internet banking facilities
- No minimum balance fee
- No account maintenance fee
- The minimum initial deposit amount is only BDT 500/=
Required Documents For Campus Account
- Photocopy of Valid Student ID card
- Photocopy of National ID card/ Valid Passport/ Birth Certificate (with attested photo ID)
- One copy passport size photograph of the student
- One copy passport size photograph of the nominee
- Copy of recent utility bill (Gas, Electricity, Wasa, Telephone) as proof of mailing address
4. City Bank Student Account

City Bank also has two types of student accounts. They are Student Savings Account School Plan and Student Savings Account College Plan. Students below 18 years are eligible for School Plan and student age between 18-24 years is eligible for College Plan.
Facilities Of School Plan
- No Account Maintenance Fee
- No Minimum Balance requirement
- Free Passport Endorsement
- Free SMS Alert
- Interest on daily balance
Required Documents For School Plan
- NID/Birth certificate/Passport of parent/ Legal guardian
- Photograph – 2 Copies of Parent/ Legal guardian
- Student photograph – 1 Copy
- Student ID card
- Nominee photograph – 1 Copy
- Nominee’s NID/Birth certificate/Passport
- Income source document
- E-TIN of parent/ Legal guardian
Facilities Of College Plan
- No Account Maintenance Fee
- No Minimum Balance requirement
- Annual Fee of Debit Card is waived for the first year
- Free Passport Endorsement
- Free SMS Alert
- Interest on daily balance
- Online banking service
- SMS Alert and Call Center facility
Required Documents For College Plan
- NID/Birth certificate/Passport
- Photograph – 2 Copies
- Student ID card
- Nominee photograph – 1 Copy
- Nominee’s NID/Birth certificate/Passport
- Income source document
5. NRB Bank Student Account

NRB bank also has a student bank account and its main mission is to provide easy and affordable banking facilities for the students. They have two types of student account: My Early Account and My Study Account
Facilities Of My Early Account
- Attractive Interest Rates
- Interest calculated on daily balance
- Minimum initial deposit BDT 500
- Minimum balance for interest accrual BDT 5,000
- Debit card facility for students
- Free cheque book facility
- No minimum balance fee
- No account maintenance fee
Required Documents For My Early Account
- Children aged from 6 up to 18 years
- Student Photo ID
- Birth Certificate
- Photo ID of the Guardian
Facilities Of My Study Account
- Attractive Interest Rates
- Interest calculated on daily balance
- Minimum initial deposit BDT 1,000
- Minimum balance for interest accrual BDT 10,000
- Debit card & cheque book facility
Required Documents For My Study Account
- Students aged 18 to 26 years
- Valid Student ID card
- National ID card/ Valid Passport/ Birth Certificate
- One copy passport size photograph of the student
- One copy passport size photograph of the nominee
6. Modhumoti Bank Student Account

Modhumoti Bank also has two types of student accounts: Modhumoti Patshala and Modhumoti Tarunno. Modhumoti Patshala is for school students who are below 18 years old. On the other hand, Modhumoti Tarunno is for Colleges & Universities students aged 18-25 years.
Facilities Of Modhumoti Patshala
- Unlimited deposit transaction limit
- A personalized checkbook will be issued to the Guardian in the name of minor
- ATM Debit Card with minor’s name imprinted on the card will be provided
- Withdrawal Transaction Limit: Cheque / ATM / POS – Maximum Total Amount BDT 5000 per month
- No service charge except Govt. excise duty
- The parents can open FDR & DPS through this account
- Internet banking facility will be available
- SMS Transaction Alert will be sent to guardian’s mobile phone
Required Documents For Modhumoti Patshala
- 3 copies photographs of the minor (account holder)
- The attested photocopies of the birth registration certificate and institutional identity card
- 2 copies photographs of legal guardian
- National ID Photocopy of Legal guardian
- Nominee photo 1 copy & NID Photocopy
Facilities Of Modhumoti Tarunno
- Initial Deposit Requirement is BDT 1000 only
- Cheque Book on demand
- No service charge except Govt. excise duty
- Interest calculated on day end balance
- Internet banking facility will be available
- Free SMS Transaction Alert
Required Documents For Modhumoti Tarunno
- 3 PP size photographs of the account holder
- 1 PP size photograph of the Nominee
- Copy of Valid ID: Student ID / Library Card / NID / Valid Passport
- Copy of Nominee’s Voter ID / Valid Passport / Valid Driving License
- Photocopy of recent tuition fees payment receipt
7. Prime Bank Student Account

If you are a student then you can easily open a student bank account in Prime bank. They have a savings student account named “My First Account” and it offers the student to save from an early stage of life to ensure better education and other financial needs in the future.
Facilities Of Prime Bank Student Account
- No fees are applicable for “My First Account”
- Free MICR Cheque book
- Free Debit card for the student
- BDT 2000/- only can be withdrawn per month through Debit Card and Point of Sales (POS)
- Free Internet Banking (Altitude- operated by a guardian)
- Free SMS Banking
- Free of charge standing instruction facility
- Interest will be calculated similarly to the Savings Account
- Minimum BDT 100/- will be required to open this account
Required Documents For Prime Bank Student Account
- 2 PP size photographs for the applicant & Guardian / Legal Guardian
- 1 PP size Photograph for the nominee duly attested by account holders & guardian / Legal Guardian
- National ID card photocopy / Passport Copy / Driving License / Certificate copy of Ward Councilor / Chairman / Commissioner of Guardian / Legal Guardian
- Any Utility bill’s copy of the present address.