The bird is a wonderful gift of the great nature of Bangladesh. This county’s people go to sleep and wake up in the morning by listening to bird’s song. There will find a different kind of birds in different season. Our country is so much beautiful and birds are also this beauty’s part. There are many types of birds. Among them, songs of birds, birds of prey, night birds, wild birds, winter birds.
One of the songs bird is Doyel. On there are many types of birds. Among them, songs of birds, birds of prey, night birds, wild birds, winter birds. One of the songs bird is Doyel. On the summer day, on the side of any house Dual sing songs of mind. Songs like Doyel have very few birds. During the winter, Doel does not sing. Doyle is our national bird. Kokil arrives at the end of winter with the arrival of the spring season. Kokil black to watch, the kokil’s song is very sweet. Kukil’s ‘ku-ku’ is sweeter than any other song.
Some Birds Name and Details:
Long grey tail and short wings
Size: 29-36 cm
It’s come to see in Asia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia,China.
Black baza
Pretty small bird with black upperparts and white-chestnut steaked underparts
Prominent black crest and white upper breast
Size: about 35 cm, wingspan about 85 cm
It’s come to see in Asia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar.
Brahminy Kite
Medium sized bird of prey with chestnut brown upperparts and generally white underparts.
Prominent white head and breast and a rounded tail.
Size: 43-51 cm, wingspan: 110-125 cm.
It’s come to see in Asia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong.
Changeable Hawk-Eagle
Large bird of prey with generally brown plumage
Prominent crest on the head and pretty long rounded tail
Size: about 70 cm
It’s come to see in, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos.
Crested Goshawk
Medium sized bird of prey with dark grey-brown upperparts and whitish-brown barred underparts.
Long brownish-grey tail and powerful yellow legs
Size: 30-46 cm
It’s come to see in Asia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia ,Laos, Malaysia, Bangladesh.
Crested Honey Buzzard
Medium sized slender bird of prey with brown plumage
Small head and a prominent long neck
Size: 46-58 cm
It’s come to see in Africa, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan.
Birds listing History
744 birds have been added to Bangladesh birds list. In the last two centuries, these Birds were in Bangladesh, but many of them are no longer present now in the country, and there are some new birds present now but they are not yet listed. The number of such birds is 650.Between this 650 types of birds, 30 are now extinct in Bangladesh, they were pasted in Bangladesh. The 30 types of birds, 29 were found in other countries, but one- pinkish duck, possibly extinct all over the world. The remaining 620 types of birds have recently been found in this country and they are confirmed to have or come to Bangladesh. These 620 types birds, 143 birds have been termed ‘irregular’ in Bangladesh, because they were seen in time. The remaining 477 types of birds are regularly seen in Bangladesh. Of these 477 types of birds, 301 are ‘resident’ birds of Bangladesh who live permanently in this country. The remaining 176 types of migratory birds which are regularly in this country for part-time. These 176 types of regular strangers remain in 160 types winter and 6 in Bangladesh in summer; The remaining 10 are in the country in the spring, which has been named as ‘Panth-migete’. Between the 744 types of birds, 194 birds left. Different writers at different times have predicted that these birds may exist in Bangladesh, but they could not show any concrete proof or later they were never seen in this region. These birds are also included in this list.
Types of Birds
Irregular: The bird that has not been seen twice in the country in 10 years.
Rarely: In an exact season they come to see.
Bird Rarely: This kind of birds only comes to see for once in a year.
Exist: The birds that are seen every day in the right seasons, in the right accommodation.
We should save our natural beauty of Bangladeshi “Birds”. Birds are not only beauty of Bangladesh but also protect the natural balance. Please let me know by commenting below that which birds you like most.