Top 10 Multinational Companies in Bangladesh

It’s really tough to rank top 10 multinational Companies in Bangladesh, since industry wise they are different. If success is surveyed by how much money they generate, these companies are riding in top position.

I know you have noticed Multinational is determined of two words those are “Multi and national “. So looking into the word “Multinationals” it means a company which works in more than one country or which has disclosure and entry to International markets.

In simple word, an organization operating in several countries but managed from one (home) country. There are four categories of multinational corporations:

  1. A multinational, decentralized corporation with strong home country presence,
  2. A global, centralized corporation that acquires cost advantage through centralized production wherever cheaper resources are available,
  3. An international company that builds on the parent corporation’s technology or R&D, or
  4. A transnational enterprise that combines the previous three approaches.

Here is the top 10 list of MNCs in BD

  1. Chevron
  2. Grameenphone
  3. Unilever Bangladesh
  4. Standard Chartered
  5. HSBC
  6. Airtel
  7. Citibank N/A
  8. Siemens
  9. BAT (British American Tobacco)
  10. Nestle Bangladesh

We know the names now. Now lets check in detail of those top 10 money makers Companies in Bangladesh who made the most money in 2018 and 2019 financial year and I am sure this will surely help you in selecting the best company to make your future successful.

1. Chevron (Petroleum Industry)

Chevron produces natural gas and condensate from three fields in the northeast of the country. And now it has become the largest producer of natural gas in Bangladesh. They have increased production tenfold in the last decade to fulfill the country’s increasing demand for natural gas.

Chevron Office Address in Bangladesh:

Dhaka Office:
Bay’s Galleria
57 Gulshan Avenue (4th Floor)
Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212
Telephone: +880.2.989.2244
+ 880.2.882.8891
Fax: +880.2. 988.4398

Sylhet Office:
Lackatoorah, Airport Road
Sylhet 3100
Telephone: +880. 821.715390
Fax: +880. 821.715362

2. Grameenphone Ltd (Concern of Telenor, Telecommunication industry):

Grameenphone, widely abbreviated as GP is the largest telecom operator with the highest number of subscribers & widest network in Bangladesh. The largest of six mobile operators in the country along with more than 54.5 million subscribers and 46.3% subscriber market share. It is a joint venture between Telenor and Grameen Telecom Corporation, an internationally renowned. Here are some latest GP Offers.

Grameenphone Corporate Office Address:

Grameenphone Ltd.
Basundhara, Baridhara
Phone- +88-02-9882990
Fax- +88-02-9882970
Email:[email protected]

3. Unilever Bangladesh (FMCG)

Unilever Bangladesh (UBL) is the leading multinational Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company (FMCG) in Bangladesh. It started the journey in Bangladesh in 1964 with a soap factory was set up at Chittagong. Unilever has more than 10000 people work frame or directly and indirectly connected.

Unilever is operating in over hundred countries all around the globe. Unilever makes and sells products under more than 400 brand names worldwide and engaged in the manufacture and distribution of home care products, personal care products, water purifier, and foods.

Here is a selection of their top brands, available in many countries, along with the stories behind them: Wheel, Lux, Lifebuoy, Dove, Omo, Becel/Flora, Heartbrand ice creams, Fair & Lovely, Pond’s, Close Up, Lipton, Lux, Magnum, Rama, Rexona, Sunsilk, and Surf.

Unilever Bangladesh Corporate Office Address:

ZN Tower
Plot 2, Road 8
Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212
Phone: 88 (02) 9888452
Fax: 88 (02) 9862299

4. Standard Chartered Bank (Banking Industry)

Standard Chartered Bank is the largest international bank in Bangladesh. It’s a banking and financial services company headquartered in Dhaka and has been operating in Bangladesh for over a hundred years. It has 26 Branches & Booths and 87 ATMs; employing over 2,000 people.

Standard Chartered Bank is the only foreign bank in Bangladesh with a presence in 6 cities – Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Sylhet, Bogra, and Narayanganj including offshore banking units inside Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ) at Savar and Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ).

Standard Chartered Bank Principal Office Address in Bangladesh:

67 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan
Dhaka 1212,
Tel: + 880 2 8833003 – 4

5. HSBC(Banking Industry)

HSBC opened its first branch in Bangladesh in 1996. And today, it offers a range of financial services in Bangladesh including commercial banking, consumer banking, payments, and cash management, trade services, treasury, and custody and clearing.

It’s a network of 14 offices, 40 ATMs, 6 Customer Service Centres, an offshore banking unit, and offices in 8 EPZs.

HSBC Bangladesh Management Office:

Level 4, Shanta Western Tower
186 Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Ali Road
Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka 1208
Phone: +880 966 633 1000

6. Citi NA (Citi Group, Banking Industry)

Citibank is the consumer division of financial services multinational Citigroup. Citibank was founded in 1812 as the City Bank of New York and one of the major international banks. It has approximately 200 million customers in more than 160 countries.

In Bangladesh, It has established an active existence. Now it has 4 branches, 4 service outlets and employs more than 180 people. Cities customers in Bangladesh include both public and private sector institutions.

Corporate Office Address in Bangladesh:

Citibank, N.A
8 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1
Dhaka – 1212
Phone: +88 096 6699 1000 / +88 02 8833567
Fax: +88 02 986 0917

7. Siemens (Electronics)

Siemens is a global powerhouse in electronics and electronics sector in the world. In October 1956, Siemens Bangladesh Ltd. was established to position itself as a great player in its own right providing an entire range of products, systems, solutions, and services. Now Siemens is a leading company and operating in 190 countries across the world. The company has around 336,000 employees worldwide.

Siemens provides a wide range of solutions and services in Bangladesh, where its Energy, Healthcare, Industry, and Infrastructure & Cities Sectors occupy leading positions.

Siemens Corporate Office in Bangladesh:

Siemens Bangladesh Limited.
ZN Tower (Siemens House)
Plot – 02, Road – 08, Gulshan-1
Phone: (+8802) 9893536
Fax: (+8802) 9893597

8. Ericsson (Telecom service industry)

Ericsson is a multinational networking and telecommunications equipment and services company including mobile broadband, cable TV, IPTV, and video systems, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. Ericsson also handling their business in Bangladesh and now it is one of the leading Multinational Company in Bangladesh.

Corporate Office Address of Ericsson in Bangladesh:

LM Ericsson Bangladesh Limited
Street address: Grand Delvistaa (Level 3), Plot 1A, Road 113
Postal code: 1212
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Phone: +880 2 882 3864 Phone: +880 2 988 6641
Fax: +880 2 988 6642

9. British American Tobacco (Cigarette)

British American Tobacco (Cigarette), beginning their journey as Imperial Tobacco 103 years ago, the Company set up its first sales warehouse at Armanitola in Dhaka. Thereafter it became Bangladesh Tobacco Company Limited and they have started their journey properly in independent Bangladesh in 1972. In 1998, the Company changed its name and identity to British American Tobacco Bangladesh (BAT Bangladesh).

Now it is one of the world’s most international tobacco group with brands sold in more than 200 markets around the world.

Corporate Office Address of BAT:

British American Tobacco Bangladesh
New DOHS Road, Mohakhali
Dhaka – 1206
Telephone: +88028822791-5
Fax: +88028822786

10. Nestle Bangladesh (FMCG)

Nestlé was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlé with headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland. And it is the world’s leading nutrition, health, and wellness company. Nestlé started its operation in 1994 in Bangladesh and its factory is situated in Sreepur, Gazipur.  650 people directly working in Nestle and indirectly more than 1000.

Products from Nestle: Nido, Nescafé, Maggi noodles and soup, Maggi Shad-e-Magic, breakfast Cereals such as Corn Flakes and Koko Crunch, Coffee-Mate, Munch rolls and much more.

Nestle Bangladesh contact address:

Gulshan Tower (4th Floor), Plot 31, Road 53
Gulshan North C/A, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Phone + 880-2-988 27 59
Fax: + 880-2-988 13 02

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