Dengue Fever In Bangladesh | What Are The Symptoms & How To Prevent It?

Dengue Virus is one of the most dangerous viruses (unlike CoronaVirus) which is caused by Aedes mosquito as known as Aedes Aegypti. Recently it spread all over Bangladesh and according to BDNews24, 5600+ dengue patients are on record so far (which is the highest in the history of Bangladesh). 

In today’s article, we will cover all the Symptoms of Dengue in Bangladesh and the ways to prevent it with the right precautional checklist. 

Dengue Update

According to Prothom Alo; 85 people died in Bangladesh this year due to Dengue Fever. Every day, 1k+ people get admits on various hospitals in Dhaka. HPM Sheikh Hasina & Mayors of Dhaka (south & north) advised the media and educated people to create mass awareness of Aedes Mosquito.

What Is Dengue & Dengue Fever? 

The origin of Dengue Fever is from Dengue virus and this virus spread right after once get bitten by Aedes Mosquito. 

If Aedes mosquito bites one people; s/he gets affected with 4 to 6 days. And if that mosquito bites another man, that man also gets affected as well. 

There are two types of Dengue Fever found in Bangladesh. One is Classical Dengue Fever and another one is Dengue hemorrhagic fever. 

Symptoms of Dengue Fever

  • Serious Fever. 
  • Severe pain in the whole body. 
  • Fever temperature turns above to 105 Degree F. 
  • Serious pain on the eye and head. 
  • Pain on the bones from all over the body. 
  • Skin rashes.
  • Vomiting. 
  • Severe falling of blood pressure.
  • Body parts seem drastic cold.

When To See A Doctor? 

  • Go to a doctor almost immediately after you see any symptoms mentioned above. 
  • If you see sudden bleeding from any parts of your body. 
  • If platelet of your blood is reduced to too low. 
  • If breathing problems found. 
  • If your belly gets swollen with water. 
  • If you feel tired and weak. 

What To Test? 

  • CBC
  • Platelet
  • SGOT
  • Alkaline Fasfatej
  • Blood Suger

If the Platelet numbers found below 1,00000; then this is the thing you should be worried about and should take further steps as it is a symptom of Dengue. 

What To Eat? 

  • Enough Water
  • Juice
  • Coconut water
  • Soup
  • Enough food in liquid format. 
  • Saline

Whats Not To Eat?

  • Aspirin
  • Diclofenac 

How To Prevent Dengue?

  • Remove all the stored water from all the spaces. 
  • Clean the bushes, tiny holes here and there around your house where rainwater is stored often. 
  • Clean flower vessels, unused pots, coconut skins, car ties, etc. 
  • Use Odomos in the time of Morning and Evening. 
  • Use Mosquito repellents like Purnava, Odomos and nets all the time (while staying in and out of the house)
  • If you have AC in your house, keep it on all the time when the kids are in the Room as Aedes mosquito tends to avoid the comparatively cooler place.
  • Morning and the evening is the most dangerous time for everyone as these are the time the Aedes Mosquito stay hyper-active and tends to spread the viruses the most. So, it is better to keep your kids inside the room at the very morning and evening.

Let’s stay alert in every possible way and please try to stay away from all the zones/areas/places where mosquito might breed and raise.

Still, there is no vaccine available for Dengue fever so far and thus the government might not be able to fully remove this virus from our country. We have to be cautious and preventive to this mosquito so that we can stay safe. 

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