National University – NU Results Bangladesh 2018

Last Updated on January 22, 2018 by Aminul Haque Shahin

Do you want to get your NU result the fastest way possible?

National University of Bangladesh is the largest university in the country. As per the number of students enrolled every year, it is also one of the largest in the world. Millions of students in Bangladesh enroll on different types of degrees in the university.

National University in Bangladesh is popular due to the contemporary syllabus, esteemed faculty, and innovative teaching methods.

Throughout the year, different types of exams are being held for the students learning at the university. There are Honour’s, Degree courses that offer comprehensive knowledge on different types of subjects.

National University Degree Results 2018

National University will publish Degree 3rd year result 2018. The Degree 3rd year result will be published for 2013-14 academic session. The result will be published based on the old syllabus. National University of Bangladesh will publish the 3rd year result on their official website.

If you are looking for the Degree 3rd year result, then you have come to the right place!

In this article, I am going to show you how you can get your Degree 3rd Year result online. Every year hundreds of thousands of students participate in the exam. And, they receive results within months after the public exam.

If you are looking for your NU Degree 3rd year result, then follow the steps below.

There are two methods available to get your Degree 3rd year result. They are:

  1. Online Method
  2. SMS Method

Most of the students fret over not getting their results right at the moment they are published. Follow the steps described below to get your NU Degree 3rd year result:

NU Degree 3rd Year Result by Online Method

National University of Bangladesh uses their official website to publish their notices, circulars and admission notices through their website. The address for the official website is:

How to Get Your Degree 3rd Year Result

  • First visit
  • Then, click on Degree within the Ribbon
  • After that, select Third Year from the drop-down menu
  • Once you have selected Third Year, a new window will appear
  • Insert your Registration Number in the registration NO. bar
  • Then, insert your Roll NO.
  • You have to include the year you appeared in the exam
  • Answer the “Captcha Code”
  • Finally, click on “Search Result button”

NU Degree 3rd Year Exam Result by SMS Method

You can get your Degree 3rd Year Exam result by SMS method. Follow the steps described below to find your result:

  • First, you need to have a Teletalk SIM card
  • Go to your Mobile Message option
  • Then, send the message to 16222

National University Honour’s Results 2018

If you are looking for Honour’s 3rd year result 2018, then you have come to the right place. The Honour’s 3rd year result is published for 2016-17 academic session. The result is published based on the new syllabus. National University of Bangladesh published the 3rd year result on their official website.

If you are looking for the Honour’s 3rd year result, then you have come to the right place!

Check out the steps below to find out how you can get your Honour’s 3rd Year result online. Every year hundreds of thousands of honour’s students participate in the exam. And, they receive results within months after the public exam.

If you are looking for your NU Honour’s 3rd year result, then follow the steps below.

There are two methods available to get your Honour’s 3rd year result. They are:

  1. Online Method
  2. SMS Method

Most of the Honour’s students fret over not getting their results right at the moment they are published. Follow the steps described below to get your NU Honour’s 3rd year result:

NU Honour’s 3rd Year Result by Online Method

You can get your Honour’s 3rd year result through the official website of National University of Bangladesh. The address for the official website is:

How to Get Your Honour’s 3rd Year Result

  • You need to visit the official website of National University –
  • Then, click on Honour’s within the Ribbon
  • Afterwards, select Third Year from the drop-down menu
  • Once you have selected the Third Year, a new window will appear for data entry
  • Insert your Registration Number in the registration NO. bar
  • Then, insert your Roll NO.
  • You have to include the year you appeared in the exam
  • Answer the “Captcha Code”
  • Finally, click on “Search Result button”

NU Honour’s 3rd Year Exam Result by SMS Method

You can get your Honour’s 3rd Year Exam result by SMS method. This is the simplest process. Follow the steps described below to find your result:

  • First, you need to have a Teletalk SIM card
  • Go to your Mobile Message option
  • Then, send the message to 16222

Bottom Line

If you are looking for the fastest ways to get your Honour’s and Degree results, then follow this article. In this article, I discussed how the National University of Bangladesh can get their Degree and Honour’s results.

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